Speaking of Faith

I'm reading Krista Tippett's book, Speaking of Faith, a wonderful, rich, tapestry of interviews and observations about the galaxy of values and longings that underlie meaningfulness in human existence. Here is one line (among many) that deserves re-reading

As  a journalist, I'm deeply aware of how strangely tricky it is to make goodness seem relevant, or at least as perversely thrilling as evil. But if I've learned anything it is that goodness prevails not in the absence of reasons to despair, but in spite of them…people who bring light into the world wrench it out of darkness and contend openly with darkness all of their days. They don't let despair have the last word, nor do they close their eyes to its pictures or deny the enormity of its facts. They say, 'Yes and,' and they wake up the next day and the day after that to act and live accordingly."
